Search results for import reviews
98 articles found
Attributes feature is used to create the extra field/question in the write a review form. You can give the option of filtering on reviews for the newly created field in (Checkbox & Radio Type only).
Rivyo App Integration with Lantern Product Quiz Builder
Utilize the Rivyo Product Reviews and Lantern ‑ Product Quiz Builder integration to display the product ratings you've gathered on your results page. To get started, make sure you have both apps
Import/Export Back in Stock Data
If you were using any other app previously for the wishlist and you do not want to miss your previous app's back-in-stock data then you can export the all Back in Stock data from a app and import
Review badge hover effects on the product page.
Go to Admin Panel --> Apps --> Rivyo Product Review & Q/A. 2. After going into the application, Go to the Settings --> General & Layout Settings --> Click on Edit Button --> Layout Setting Tab. - In
How to Verify Users?
Step 1: Go to Admin Panel --> Apps --> Rivyo Product Review & Q/A Step 2: After going into the application, Go to the Reviews >> User. Step 3: When you click on user, you will see below options. -
How to send Automatic Email Requests?
This feature enables users to schedule automatic feedback emails to be sent after a specified number of days following order fulfillment. This facilitates the collection of customer reviews for the
General & Layout Settings.
In this section, you can get options to select Rating symbol Multiple Option, Average rating Grid layout Options, Product Detail Review Settings options, etc. It will also give the option to change
Pagination/Load More
To display or Load reviews on the product page or all reviews page, there are 2 options 1. Go to Admin Panel --> Apps --> Rivyo Product Review & Q/A. 2. After going into the application, Go to the
Product Title Show/Hide Option in All Review Page
1. Go to Admin Panel --> Apps --> Rivyo Product Review & Q/A. 2. After going into the application, Go to the Create A Review Page >> Click on Edit Button. 3. In that, you will find the Review Page
Pop-up Widget Settings.
Go to Admin Panel --> Apps --> Rivyo Product Review & Q/A. Go to the Widget Settings >> Popup Widget. 1. Rating-Widget - Enable this option to display the Rating widget on your entire Shopify store.
How can i display Review Widget in Product Detail Page?
To display Review Widget in the product detail page you need to paste the given below code in the product-template file. <div id="wc_review_section" class="wc_review_main_content" data-url="{{
Rivyo New Layout
New Layout Announcement: We are excited to announce that we have made significant updates to our app both visually and under-the-hood to enhance your experience. Visual Enhancements: Product Review
How to Add a Product Review Badge to Your Product Template
You can easily add the Product review badge by going to Shopify Theme Customization >> Default Product template. Check out the screenshot below for reference: Once you've added the Product review
How to install Rivyo App using Pagefly?
To install the Rivyo app using Gempages please follow the below steps, Step 1. Open Gempages. Apps --> PageFly Advanced Page Builder Step 2. Open the page you created in PageFly. Step 3. Click on Add
How to install Rivyo App manually?
Step 1: Add a file for review. Please add the below code to the theme.liquid file before </body> tag over. {% render 'th-product-review' %} Step 2 : Add reviews to your product pages. To display
Email Request Sent Report.
Step 1: Go to Rivyo Product Review & Q/A App --> Notifications -> E-mail --> Click on Edit Button. Step 2: In this report, you will see the status of sent emails in the Order Mail Sent tab. In sent
How to install Rivyo App using Gempages?
To install the Rivyo app using Gempages please follow the below steps, Step 1. Open Gempages. Apps --> Gempages Flexible Page Builder Step 2. Open the page you created in gem pages.Step 3. If you
App Dashboard & Reports
On the Rivyo dashboard, you will get all the information like, 1. Review Report 2. Report on Plan interval time and plan information & Review request 3. Last Activity and Latest feature details 4.
Slack Integration.
Now, you will get the notification in your slack channel when any user adds reviews in your store. Please follow the below steps to integrate the Rivyo app with the slack channel. Step-1: Go to Admin
How to set Google Rich Snippet for Search?
Step.1 Add reviews on google. Add snippet 'th-product-review-seo' and add the below code in the snippet. {% assign product_schema = product.metafields.product_schema %}{% if
How to Export Product Question/Answer
Step 1: Go to Rivyo Product Review & Q/A App --> Questions & Answers. Step 2: Open Import & Export tab >> Click on the Export Q&A button and you will get a CSV file downloaded.
Manual Rivyo App Installation Guide
Follow the below steps to setup the Rivyo app using the codes in your store Step 1 : Navigate to Online Store >> Themes >> Edit code and Create a liquid file in the snippet directory of your theme
Rebolt Bundle App Privacy Policy
Welcome to Webcontrive Technologies Pvt. Ltd., your trusted provider of web application services. Our team is dedicated to offering innovative apps exclusively for merchants leveraging the Shopify
How does the app handle inventory management for bundled products?
Inventory is diligently tracked and managed for various bundle types, ensuring accurate stock control. However, it's important to note that this comprehensive inventory management applies to all
Difference between Old and New Email Templates.
Important Note: Once you upgrade to the new email template, it cannot be reverted to the old version. After upgrading, you'll need to create a brand-new template in your store using our app. Wishlist
Request a Feature or Customization Request
Request a Feature Is there something you wish was included in our Rebolt - Bundle Products app? Feel free to ask for a new feature! Your feedback is important to us, and we're always looking for ways
How to Redirect Wishlist Products to Cart, Checkout, or Cart Drawer?
With our app, you can set it to redirect the products from the Wishlist Page to the Cart Page, Checkout Page or Side Cart/Cart Drawer. You can access the feature from Settings>> General>> Add to Cart
Rebolt Changelog April 2024
We're excited to introduce significant updates and improvements to the Rebolt Bundle Products app. With this release, we've made adjustments and enhancements to streamline your experience and provide
How to Create an Embedded Product Bundle?
What is an Embedded Product Bundle? 🤔 Embedded product bundle refers to a marketing strategy in which two or more products or services are combined and sold at a discounted price. The purpose of
Rivyo Language Settings
To change the language of an app to as same as your store, this option will help you. You can change the language of the Review Section, tab, Button, Write a Review, Question, etc. Go to Admin Panel
Cache issue of CSS & JS file.
Search for file "th-product-review.liquid" in Admin code. When you open this file you will see CSS & JS file, Whenever you update the CSS or JS file at that moment you need to pass a random number as
How to Generate Image Links for the CSV File?
You can upload images to your shopify store, and then copy the image link to be used in the CSV file as review image, Step 1 : Navigate to Your Store --> Content >> Files --> and click on Upload
What is Lazy load? How to make it Enable
With the help of lazyload, you can reduce loading page time and get results more efficiently. 1. Go to Admin Panel --> Apps --> Rivyo Product Review & Q/A. 2. After going into the application, Go to
Testimonial Settings.
You will get the option to change Title, Layout, Customer name, Verified sign, Profile photo, and Date of testimonials. Go to Admin Panel --> Apps --> Rivyo Product Review & Q/A. Go to the Widget
Display Star Ratings on the collection page
Follow the below steps to display the star rating on the collection page. Step 1 : Navigate to Online Store >> Themes >> Edit code and Create a liquid file in the snippet directory of your theme code
How to upgrade Plan?
Go to Rivyo Product Review & Q/A app --> Settings --> Plan & Price --> Click on Edit Button. Click on Upgrade. You will redirect to the payment procedure and after payment, you will be on Paid Plan.
Enable the Question-Answer Module.
To enable Question-answer module, Go to Rivyo Product Review & Q/A App --> Questions & Answers. When you click on Settings, you will see below options Simply Drag the slider to YES to enable Question
How to send Manually Email Requests?
This option allows you to send feedback email manually. Step 1: Go to Rivyo Product Review App >> Notifications >> E-mail Step 2: You can find the tab labeled Manual Mail. Just enter your email
List of Sent Request.
Step 1: Go to Rivyo Product Review & Q/A App --> Notifications --> E-mail --> Click on Edit Button. Step 2: Here you can see the reports of sent mail in Order Mail Sent tab with Yes Status. Pending
Email Notification for Questions/Answers.
Step 1: Go to Rivyo Product Review & Q/A App --> Questions & Answers Step 2: Select the option "Send an alert after answering?" Once you enable this, Customer will receive an email when their
How to Disapprove Already Approved Questions?
To get all settings of the Question/Answer module go to Questions & Answers as below image. Go to Rivyo Product Review & Q/A App --> Questions & Answers. After Enabling Question / Answer module, you
Redirect to Thank You Page
When the customer left their feedback after clicking on the Submit button they will redirect to the page link which you kept in this option. Enable the option and add the link where you want t
Email Notification Setting.
After enabling Email Notification option you will get an email notification when your customers will leave their feedback. You just need to fill in the below details. 1. Sender Name - the name will
Email Request Template Settings.
From here, you can customize the email template settings like Subject, Email title, Mail button text, Read more text, Logo, Mail content, Button text & Background color, Body text & background color,
Store Average Settings
Go to Admin Panel --> Apps --> Rivyo Product Review & Q/A. Go to the Widget Settings >> Store Average. When you click You will see a page like below. Just copy the given div & paste it whenever you
How to Approve/Disapprove/Delete, Reply the Questions/Answers?
Go to Rivyo Product Review App --> Questions & Answers. 1) To Filter the Question/Answers You can apply Filter in 3 methods All/Approved/Disapproved. you will see the below image. by default show All
How to uninstall Rivyo App.
To uninstall the app you must need to follow the below-given steps. Step 1: Remove code from the theme file. {% render 'th-product-review' %} Step 2: Remove code from the product template file. <div
Rivyo App Privacy Policy
Rivyo Product Review "the App” provides service "the Service" to merchants who use Shopify to power their stores. This Privacy Policy describes how personal information is collected, used, and shared