Show Bundle on The Product Page

Display all bundles on the product page:- 

You can show the "Product Bundle", "Quantity Bundle", "FBT" bundles on the product page.

Use the below codes to display the bundle on the product page of those products which is included in the bundle. You need to add the code in the product template at the place where you want to show the bundle.

1. Product Bundle:- 

<div class="th_pb_section" id="th_product_bundle" data-id="{{ }}"></div>

2. Quantity Bundle:- 

<div id="th_pb_qty_bundle" class="th_pb_qty_bundle_cls" data-pid="{{ }}"></div>

3. FBT Bundle:- 

<div class="th_pb_fbt_section" data-thpid="{{ }}"></div>

You need to add the code in the product template file to show the bundle on the product page.

The bundle will look as below on the product page:- 

Display specific bundle on the product page:- 

You can also display specific bundles on the product page using Bundle ID. You need to use the below code by adding "Bundle ID" and put at the place on product page where you want to display the bundle. (Specific bundle code only works for Product Bundle.)

You need to replace the "Ex. 123,456" with the bundle ID.

<div class="th_pb_section th_pb_specific_bundles" data-bundleid="Ex. 123,456"></div>

4. Combo Bundle:- Combo bundle creates its product page and the bundle will display on the same created new product page

5. Smart URL Bundle:- You can use the below code to display the Quick Order bundle on any page.

6. Build Box Bundle:- You can display the build box bundle at any place in your store. You can refer to this document to show the Build Box bundle. Where can I see Build Box?

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