How to Create a Frequently Bought Together Bundle?

What is a Frequently Bought Together Bundle? 🤔

A Frequently Bought Together bundle is a marketing strategy where a combination of products that are commonly purchased together is offered as a single package or deal. This type of bundle is designed to simplify the shopping experience for customers by anticipating their needs and providing a convenient solution in the form of a pre-packaged set of related items.

Key Features:

  • Allow Quick Purchases with One Click.
  • Create Unlimited Frequently Bought Together Bundles.
  • Add Product Variants to the Frequently Bought Together Bundle.
  • Display Frequently Bought Together Bundle on Product or Collection Pages.
  • Explore Upsell and Cross-Sell Opportunities.
  • Offer Discounts in Percentages or Fixed Amounts, and Provide Free Shipping Choices.
  • Activate or Deactivate Bundles According to Your Business Needs.

How to Create a Frequently Bought Together Bundle? 👓+👟+🧢

Follow these steps to create a Frequently Bought Together Bundle:

Step 1: Navigate to Offers and click on "Create New Offers."

Step 2: Choose "Frequently Bought Together" and then click on "Create Offer".

Step 3: Enter the Internal Name and offer title.

Internal Name:- This will appear in app admin only to identify bundle.

Offer Name:- This will appear to customer in frontend side.

Step 4: Choose Specific Products or Specific Collections where you want to display the FBT bundle. Then click on Add Product/Add Collection to select products or collections where you want to show the bundle.

Please Note: Here you need to select the product or collection where you'd like the bundle to be displayed.

Step 5: Click on Add Product and select the products that you want to include in the bundle.

Please Note: Choose the products you'd like to include in your bundle.

Step 6: Enable checkbox of Apply Discount, Select the type of discount and enter the discount value. (For example, we have set a 15% Discount.)

Please Note: If you choose the “Free Shipping” option, customers will be automatically redirected to the direct checkout page because the cart page is incompatible with the free shipping option.

Step 7: Enter min product quantity after which you want to apply bundle discount.

i.e. Suppose you create bundle using 5 products and you want to offer discount to customer only if they buy atleast 3 product in bundle then you can set min product quantity to 3.

Step 8: Click on Additional Settings. Here you can change the bundle button text, add the start date and end date, and a short description. Then click on “Save”.

Step 9: You will be able to check preview by clicking on Preview & Customization button on top. You can customize the bundle design by using given option and check its preview on right side easily.

Step 9: Click on the Action Button >> Test >> Click on Visit Offer page to view and assess the live bundle.

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