Display wishlist on the collection page
Follow the below steps to display the wishlist on the collection page.
Step 1 : Find the file named "card-product.liquid"
Step 2 : Insert the following code above the line containing "{%- if show_rating" in the file.
<div class="th_wl_col_btn" data-product_id="{{ card_product.id }}" data-variant_id="{{ card_product.selected_or_first_available_variant.id }}"></div>
Once you've saved the file after adding the code, the wishlist will start to appear on the collection page in your store.
Note : Above process is supported in the themes listed below; however, the process may slightly vary if you are using a different theme.
- Craft
- Ride
- Spotlight
- Crave
- Colorblock
- Refresh
- Trade
- Dawn
- Publisher
- Sense
- Origin
- Studio
- Taste