Add wishlist club icon on header

Follow the below steps to add the wishlist club (♡) icon on the header

Step 1 : Navigate to Online Store >> Themes >> Edit code and Create a liquid file in the snippet directory of your theme code and assign it the desired name.

Paste the below code in the snippet liquid file

<a href="/apps/wishlist" class="th_wlc_position_relative">
<div class="th_wlc_product_count"></div>
<svg width="23" height="23" viewBox="0 0 26 23" fill="none">
<path d="M24.8759 3.27339C24.1475 2.06525 23.0806 1.12141 21.8207 0.57048C20.3932 -0.0562504 18.7897 -0.169062 17.1839 0.245058C15.7124 0.624602 14.279 1.4478 13 2.64198C11.7209 1.44769 10.2874 0.624442 8.8156 0.244952C7.20974 -0.169327 5.60622 -0.0564097 4.17865 0.570745C2.91872 1.12185 1.8519 2.06588 1.12359 3.27418C0.360858 4.53529 -0.0271625 6.06892 0.00147825 7.70909C0.128635 15.0007 10.5135 21.6311 12.594 22.8863C12.7175 22.9608 12.8575 23 13 23C13.1425 23 13.2825 22.9608 13.406 22.8863C15.4867 21.6309 25.8725 14.9993 25.9986 7.70782C26.0269 6.06775 25.6387 4.53428 24.8759 3.27339V3.27339ZM24.3739 7.67728C24.3332 10.0348 22.8306 12.7835 20.0288 15.6259C17.4342 18.258 14.4828 20.242 13 21.1651C11.5172 20.2422 8.56627 18.2584 5.97185 15.6262C3.16993 12.784 1.66731 10.0356 1.62618 7.67808C1.58129 5.10386 2.77074 3.03273 4.80794 2.13773C5.4756 1.84606 6.19237 1.69728 6.91592 1.70019C8.78442 1.70019 10.7609 2.64623 12.4206 4.41138C12.4962 4.49179 12.5864 4.55566 12.6859 4.59926C12.7853 4.64285 12.8921 4.6653 12.9999 4.6653C13.1078 4.6653 13.2145 4.64285 13.314 4.59926C13.4134 4.55566 13.5036 4.49179 13.5792 4.41138C15.885 1.95916 18.8021 1.08796 21.1913 2.13757C23.2287 3.03225 24.4183 5.10307 24.3739 7.67712V7.67728Z" fill="black"></path></svg>

Step 2 : After saving the code in the file, open "header.liquid" and insert the following code above the line containing " <a href="{{ routes.cart_url }}" class="header__icon header__icon--cart link focus-inset" id="cart-icon-bubble">".

  {% render 'wishlist-club' %}

Note : The above process is supported in the themes listed below; however, the process may vary if you are using a different theme.

  • Craft
  • Ride
  • Spotlight
  • Crave
  • Colorblock
  • Refresh
  • Trade
  • Dawn
  • Publisher
  • Sense
  • Origin
  • Studio
  • Taste
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