How to import reviews from Aliexpress?

When it comes to your online store, the importation of AliExpress reviews can make a significant impact on your business. By following the article guidelines provided below, you can seamlessly bring in an unlimited number of AliExpress reviews to enhance your store's credibility and attract more customers.. 

Step-1. Navigate to Admin Panel >> Apps >> Rivyo Product Review.

Step 2:  Go to the Reviews >> Import Reviews

Step 3 : Now select the Import AliExpress Reviews Tab , and drag & drop the "Review-Aliexpress Importer" to your bookmarks bar:

Step 4 : Now open the AliExpress product page URL and click on the our app's AliExpress bookmark, It will open a pop up on the page,

Please enter the product name in the "Enter Shopify Product Title or Product ID" box. The system will search for the product in your store. Once you locate the product, please select it from the list of search results.

Then choose the remaining options according to your requirements.

After you have made your selections, click on the Import Review button to import the reviews into your store

Here is the video guide :

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