Wishlist Club x Klaviyo Integration

In the ever-evolving world of e-commerce, businesses constantly seek ways to engage their customers and boost sales. One effective strategy is integrating a wishlist feature with a robust email marketing platform like Klaviyo.

What is Klaviyo?

Klaviyo is a leading email marketing platform designed specifically for e-commerce businesses. It allows you to create highly targeted and personalized email campaigns to engage customers, drive sales, and build lasting relationships by leveraging customer behaviour and purchase data.

Why Integrate Wishlist Club with Klaviyo?

Integrating Wishlist Club with Klaviyo offers numerous benefits that can enhance your e-commerce strategy. By leveraging wishlist data, you can send back-in-stock notifications to customers who have subscribed through the "Notify Me" button on out-of-stock products or when a sold-out item is added to their wishlist, ensuring they receive timely restock alerts. Additionally, when there is a price drop for items in a customer's wishlist, Klaviyo can automatically send price drop alerts. These personalized notifications engage customers and encourage them to return to your store and complete their purchases, driving sales and improving customer satisfaction.

E-mail Triggers

Back-in-Stock Notifications: Automatically send notifications to customers when an out-of-stock item in their wishlist becomes available again. This ensures that interested customers are promptly informed, increasing the chances of purchase.

Price Drop Alerts: Notify customers when there is a price drop on items in their wishlist. These timely alerts can entice customers to make a purchase, capitalizing on their interest in the discounted products.

How To Integrate Wishlist Club With Klaviyo

To set up the integration with Wishlist Club, ensure you have an active Klaviyo account. If not, create one here. Once this step is completed, follow the instructions below:

  • Navigate to Wishlist Club > Settings > Integrations > Klaviyo

  • Click on "Set up," and enable "Connect".
  • Enter Klaviyo public API key.
  • Enter Klaviyo's private API key and click on “Save”.

Please note: The private API key can be found in Klaviyo -> Account -> Settings -> API Keys Click Here

Please Note: If you activate the Klaviyo integration, the price drop and back-in-stock email notifications will be turned off in the Wishlist Club app to avoid sending duplicate emails.

  • Your integration steps are now complete, and the Wishlist Club app is connected with Klaviyo.

Steps to Create a Flow in Klaviyo

  • Log in to Klaviyo.
  • Go to the "Flows" section in the Klaviyo dashboard.
  • Click on "Create Flow."

  • Add a name and tag for your flow, then click on "Create Flow."

  • Navigate to "Your Metrics."
  • Click on "API."

  • Select either "Back In Stock" or "Price Drop" based on your needs.

  • After selecting your preferred option. Click on "Save."

  • A popup will appear. Click on "Confirm and Save."

  • From the left-hand side, drag and drop the "Email" option below the triggers.
  • Click on "Setup Email."

  • Add an email name and subject line.
  • Select a template.

  • Search in the template library or create a new template by clicking on "Create Blank Email" (for example, search for "back in stock" and use the first template).

  • Use the "Content" and "Styles" options to customize your email template.
  • Click on "Preview & Test" to check your customizations.

  • To engage customers, copy and paste event properties into your email template where required.

  • Select a text field option from the content and paste the event property.
  • Click on "Paste with Formatting."

  • Click on "Preview and Test" to ensure the property data appears correctly.
  • Verify the property data.
  • Click on "Done."

Note: If you activate the Klaviyo integration, the price drop and back-in-stock email notifications will not be sent from the Wishlist Club app to prevent duplicate emails.

If you need help with this integration, please don't hesitate to contact our support team. You can reach us using the in-app chat toggle or by emailing us at support@webcontrive.com

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