How to Create & Assign Template in Single SKU Build Box Product?

A Single SKU build box bundle creates a Product in Shopify so that you need to assign the "th_buildbox" product template to the product created through our app. We have mentioned the steps to create & assign build box template below.

1. Go to the Theme section >> and click on Edit Code option.

2. Open the Template section >> click on "Add a new template" >> Select "Product" in template >> Select "Liquid" >> add the file name "th_buildbox" same as below screenshot.

3. Add the below code to the created product.th_buildbox template like the below screenshot.

{% comment %} 
    This template was generated by Rebolt Bundle Products
    by WebContrive Technologies Pvt. Ltd.Please do not make
    any changes here.
{% endcomment %}
{% assign th_bundle_code = product.metafields.th_buildbox.preview_buildbox %}
    window.location.href = "/apps/thpb-build-box/{{th_bundle_code}}";

4. Open the product that is created in Shopify for the build box bundle and assign the "th_buildbox" template.

If you face any issue for the installation then feel free to contact our support team at, we are always happy to help you.

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