How To Do The Cart Page Setup?

Follow these steps to do the cart page setup:

Add code in cart.liquid file to show bundle discounts on cart page

Please follow these steps for "cart.liquid" template, If you see any section included there then open that particular section [ If you need help from our exceptional support team to set code in the cart page then please click here ]


Find the "{% for item in cart.items %}" code. If there is no code like this in your theme, Please try to find "cart.items".

Paste this class to the first line of the cart item loop.


class="xyz th_pb_cart_line"

Paste these attributes too.

data-idth="{{ }}" data-indexth="{{ forloop.index }}"


Find the "{% for p in %}" code. If there is no code like this in your theme, Please try to find "".

Paste this code above "{% for p in %}".

<span class="th_bundle_discount_text"></span>

Paste this code after "{% for p in %}".

{%- if p.first contains 'th_bundle_' -%}{%- continue -%}{%- endif -%}


Paste this class to display a single variant price. To find this line you have to find item.price.


If there is already a class then just add a class name like below.

class="xyz th_item_price"


Paste this class to display quantity-based prices. To find this line you have to find the item.line_price


If there is already a class then just add a class name like below.

class="xyz th_item_line_price"


Paste this class to display the cart's total price. To find this line you have to find the cart.total_price


If there is already a class then just add a class name like below.

class="xyz th_cart_total_price"


Paste this class to remove all products related to the bundle. To find this line you have to find the product remove button code.


If there is already a class then just add a class name like below.

class="xyz th_pb_remove_cart_item"

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