what is Wholesale Offer and How To Create It?

Suppose there are specific group of customers who are buying in bulk from you and you want to offer a special high discounts for those customer as compare to normal customer discount so you can use this Wholesale offer feature.

Here you just need to assign a Tag to Wholesale Customer and create offer in our app so those special discount offer will only display to wholesale tag customers.

You can create wholesale offer using two discount offers.

  1. Product Discount
  2. Collection Discount

Create wholesale offer with Product Discount:-

Wholesale Discount offers works like, Provide a discount in 3 separate ways. % discount - fixed $ off - sell products for a fixed discounted price.

- You can display a discount table on the product page and the offer will be applied on the cart page.


  • Buy 3 - get 10% Off | Buy 5 - get 15% Off on Each
  • Get $5 Off on each item if Qty > 4

Please follow the below steps to create an offer,

  • Go to Apps--> Dashboards --> Create Offer

  • Select Product Discount and click on Create Offer.

  • Click on "Select Product" button to add product for which you want to create offer.
  • Enable the checkbox of "Wholesale Discount" and click on "Add Customer Group".

  • Add customer tag for whom you want to display this offer.
  • Add quantity and discount in the given box. If you want to create multiple quantities then click on Add another tier so that you can add other quantities with different discounts.
  • You can also create multiple customer groups as per your need.

  • Click on the  Additional Setting and Write an offer message and success message with using the given below variables.
  • You have options like set offer start time and end time. You can set up it as per your need or you can also skip it.
  • Do not forget to click on the  Save button to save the data.

  • In your store, this offer will display as per the given image on the product page.

Create a wholesale offer with Collection Discount:-

Please follow the below steps to create an offer,

  • Go to Apps--> Dashboards --> Create Offer

  • Select Collection Discount and click on Create Offer.

  • Add   Internal name (Only the store owner will able to see this name on app backend.)

  • Select that box if you want to apply this offer for entire store products, Else you can select specific collections by clicking on Select collections to apply offer.

  • Enable the checkbox of "Wholesale Discount".
  • Add customer tag for whom you want to display this offer.
  • Add quantity and discount in the given box. If you want to create multiple quantities then click on Add another tier so that you can add other quantities with different discounts.
  • You can also create multiple customer groups as per your need.

  • Click on the  Additional Setting and Write an offer message and success message with using the given below variables.
  • You have options like set offer start time and end time. You can set up it as per your need or you can also skip it.
  • Do not forget to click on the  Save button to save the data.

  • In your store, this offer will display as per the given image on the product page.

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