How to create Conditional Discount?

If you want to allow customers to get the discount offer only if they meet specific criteria/condition then you can use this feature to cretate Conditional Discounts. Here Discount code only works if specific set condition match.

Follow the below steps to create conditional Discount:-

  1. Open the app >> Go to Product Discount  >> Click on the "Create Product Discount" button.

  1. Click on the Conditional Discount option.

  1. Add a name for the discount, it will only display to the admin to identify the specific discount.

  1. Select the discount method and choose conditional discount in the campaign.

  1. Select discount type and add discount amount and message.

  1. Create & set condition based on which discount apply.
  • All Below:- If you set multiple conditions then discount will only apply when all condition criteria will match in checkout.
  • Any Below:-The discount will apply when any one of the conditions will match from among all.

  1. Click on Additional Settings and enable the option as per your requirement that you want to consider for a discount and save it.

if you get any issue there then feel free to contact our support team at, we are happy to help you.

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