How to Enable and Customize Emails for Wishlist App?

  • Go into the app Settings >> Wishlist Email >> Click on Edit Button.

  • You can add the From name and email as per your need to send the email from that email.

  • Our app provides a feature to send emails for Wishlist Items, Price Drop Alerts & Restock Alerts.

  • You can enable the Email Option for the Wishlist Items and Customize Email Template as per the below screenshot.

  • You can enable the Email Option for the Price Drop Alerts and Customize Email Template as per the below screenshot.

  • You can enable the Email Option for the Restock Alerts and Customize Email Template as per the below screenshot.

You can also Enable the Notification when any customer adds the product to the Wishlist from here.

If you get any queries with any of the option then feel free to contact us at, we are always happy to help you.

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