Wishlist Club Analytics

Open Wishlist App >> Go to Analytics tab. On the Wishlist Club Analytics, you will get all the below information:-

  1. Total Revenue -  Store Total revenue through Wishlist Club.
  2. Wishlist Page View - How many users visit the wishlist page as you create on the store.
  3. Total Item in Wishlist - Total number of Items add to wishlist.
  4. Total customers In Wishlist - Total customers list, who have a wishlist for the item in the store.
  5. Unique Products In Wishlist - Ex, User A adds wishlist items X and Y, and User B adds wishlist Items Y and Z. So the items X and Z are a Unique product on the wishlist for the user.
  6. Order from Wishlist - Total number of wishlist products placed an order.
  7. Cart from Wishlist - The total number of wishlist products goes on the cart page.

You will be able to check the data of the Wishlist page view and total add to the wishlist through Graph.

How to check the total number of emails sent through the app & top 10 most wishlisted products?

When you open the app so you will get this information at the top here:-

Display top ten Wishlist Products:-

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